The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Caffery)25
6047. 1. The President has asked the Joint Chiefs of Staff to issue the following directive to the Commander of the U.S. Zone in Germany.26
“In order to assist in obtaining the maximum production and export of coal from Germany an outstanding United States coal production expert will be designated by the Secretary of War to act as adviser, to the Deputy Military Governor, Office of Military Government (US) Germany.
It is desired that such expert report and be responsible directly to the Deputy Military Governor; that he be authorized, subject to the Deputy Military Governor’s control, to take directly such steps as [Page 1555] may be required in the U.S. Zone to accomplish the maximum production’and export of coal from Germany and to disregard the normal channels or echelons of command in the U.S. zone when necessary to the attainment of that objective; and that you make available adequate facilities for the performance of his mission, including such special assistants as may be required. Procedure to be used by such expert for dealing with military, governmental or civilian agencies outside the U.S. Zone shall be as prescribed by you.
The governments of the United Kingdom, France and U.S.S.R. will be invited to designate civilian coal production experts with similar relation in responsibility and authority within the military government organizations in Germany of the United Kingdom, French and U.S.S.R. Governments. It is desired that the four coal production experts coordinate the efforts of the four zone commanders in Germany to produce, distribute and export coal. To that end, you will cooperate with all such coal production experts by permitting them free access to all areas in your zone and by affording full facilities to them for the purpose of increasing coal production and improving its distribution.
In the event important conflicts arise between demands for production, distribution and export of coal and other demands of your military government responsibilities or your responsibilities for the redeployment of troops, you will submit such conflicting demands through established channels for the decision of your government.
The Governments of the United Kingdom, France and USSR will be advised of the appointment of a U.S. coal expert and of the issuance of this directive and it will be suggested that similar directives be issued by these governments to their commanders in Germany in connection with their appointments of civilian coal production experts.”
2. You are requested to prepare and deliver a note to the French Government embodying the substance of following:
Since the issuance in August 1945 of the coal directive by the heads of the governments of the United Kingdom, France, and the U.S. to their respective zone commanders, the U.S. Government has become convinced that further steps must be taken to insure that all possible progress is made toward the attainment of the objective of maximizing exports of German coal to liberated areas.
Although the coal directive previously referred to concerned only the operations in the three western zones, it is the view of the U.S. Government that the problem of export of coal is of direct concern to all four of the occupying powers.
Each zone commander, therefore, must be familiar with and interested in all the problems concerning the production and movement of coal in all the zones in Germany.
The U.S. Government views this problem as having such great importance that it has determined to appoint an outstanding civilian adviser immediately to assume the responsibilities, under the direct authority and supervision of the Deputy Zone Commander in the U.S. Zone of Germany, for all problems relating to coal production, movement, [Page 1556] and export in Germany with which the U.S. Zone Commander is concerned, both in the U.S. Zone and elsewhere. Accordingly, a directive has been issued by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the U.S. Zone Commander in Germany which outlines the duties and responsibilities of this civilian coal expert. A copy of the directive is attached. It will be noted that this directive contemplates that comparable appointments will be made by the governments of the other occupying powers.
Accordingly, the U.S. Government suggests that the Government of France make a similar appointment and issue a comparable directive to the Zone Commander of the French Zone in Germany. It is hoped that powers and facilities for the coal advisers from other zones similar to those contained in the U.S. Directive can be provided. This suggestion is also being made to the governments of USSR and U.K.
The early appointment of coal advisers for all the zones, with authority and responsibilities comparable to those of the adviser being appointed in the U.S. Zone, would provide an Advisory Commission capable of assisting all the zone commanders in solving the difficult problems of production and movement of coal in all of the zones of Germany.
3. Department feels the urgency of the problem warrants your personal delivery of this note to the Head of the Foreign Office and suggests that you advise him of the emphasis which this Government is placing on this suggested course of action. Obviously, the coal adviser in the U.S. Zone cannot operate effectively unless similar appointments are promptly made in the British, French, and Russian zones. Department feels that the coal production and movement problem in Germany is one of mutual interest and responsibility to all zone commanders and this plan for achieving the proper coordination reiterates our determination to treat Germany as an economic unit.