740.00119 E.W./11–1945: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
Paris, November
19, 1945—10 a.m.
[Received 12:40 p.m.]
[Received 12:40 p.m.]
6680. From Angell. No. 67. Conference resumed discussion November 17 (see mytel 6538) of memorandum relating to IARA (Inter-Allied Reparations Agency).
- 1.
- Paragraph 5 was accepted.
- 2.
- Paragraph 6. The words “in particular to assure the required liaison with the ACC and Commanders in Chief” were added to meet proposal of Yugoslavian delegate.
- 3.
- Paragraph 7. Yugoslavian delegate proposed that common expense of IARA be borne according to “shares received” instead of according to “shares allocated”. After considerable debate former adopted with 9 to 7 vote. Nine votes included Big Three. In view of narrow margin, decision regarded as tentative only and further discussion likely. Conference agreed to adopt same words in clause on voting on budget.
- 4.
- Paragraph 8. Yugoslavian, Czechoslovakian, Belgian, Dutch and Indian delegates strongly insisted on inclusion of additional provisions permitting IARA staff and, especially, missions of member govts to enter zones for purpose of inspecting plants and for other [Page 1398] work connected with IARA. All but Indian delegate strongly emphasized that they had received unsatisfactory treatment by ACC, that they wished inspection of plants to be a matter of right, that they could not be expected to select from lists of plants without opportunity of inspection, and that each govt should be permitted to send technical missions into zones for this purpose. The feeling of the smaller nations, particularly those with a large stake in restitution, that they have been unnecessarily excluded from the occupied areas when their immediate interests demand access has been the most persistent false note of this conference. All are fearful that reparations deliveries will include restitutible items and that other items subject to restitution are losing value rapidly. IARA discussions have been used as a vehicle to press claims for access to occupied areas. Dutch and Belgian delegates were told of recent decision taken by USFET to allow teams from these countries to enter US zone for purpose of identifying items subject to restitution. Waley, Rueff and I expressed sympathy with points of view expressed but pointed to inherent practical difficulties such as transportation and living quarters, and necessity of consulting govts with respect to any proposal for access to Western Zones.
- 5.
- It was agreed after debate that delegates would consult their respective govts on the proposition that ACC and zone commanders be requested to provide opportunity for sending into Germany staffs of national delegations to IARA and IARA staff necessary for tasks envisaged in proposed IARA charter, likewise to provide necessary transportation facilities.
- It is understood direct approach through diplomatic channels would be used by the govts for obtaining entry for national missions.
- 6.
- The proposal of the smaller powers for access to Western Zones is reasonable if the scope of activities is limited to fulfillment of tasks envisaged in IARA charter. Intelligent selection cannot be made unless inspection of plants is possible. Whether such inspection should be arranged directly by a claimant govt with zone commanders or through IARA is open to question. Urgently recommend you contact War Department on this general problem at once and provide instructions with respect to content of IARA charter on these points. [Angell.]