740.00119 E.W./11–1845: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8 p.m.]
6678. From Angell 66. Netherlands substitute proposal for Committee of Five provision in memorandum relating to IAEA (see mytel No. 6537) is as follows:
“Amendment of the Netherlands delegation on the memorandum regarding the Inter-Allied Reparation Agency.
“Section 4 of this memorandum will read as follows:
“4. The General Secretariat will establish programs of repartition of goods between the countries, members of the agency, taking into consideration their respective needs. It will submit these programs to the assembly of the delegates of the agency with [which] decides with majority of votes.
“If two or more countries lay claim to the same assets,
the question will be put before the Committee of Six, of
which the delegates in the agency, representing the
United Kingdom, the United States of America, and France
are permanent members. The three other members will be
in function in turn for a period of 6 months; each
member will represent one of the three groups of
countries indicated below:
[Page 1397]
“The sequence of session of the members in each group will be determined by the amount of their claim in decreasing order. The decisions of the committee will be taken with a majority of votes, each member being entitled to one vote. No appeal will be allowed except in the case of a balance of the votes. In that case the final decision will be taken by the assembly of the delegates in the agency. Members of the Committee of Six, claiming a certain item shall not have the right to vote on the allocation of that specific item. In the case of competing claims between a country represented in the Committee of Six and a country which is not represented therein, the delegate of the latter is entitled to attend the discussion in this claim in the committee, without having the right to vote.
“In section 3 the words ‘Committee of Five’ will be replaced by the words: ‘Committee of Six’.”
- See telegram 6677, November 18, 2 p.m., from Paris, supra. ↩