Mr. Leo Pasvolsky, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State, to the Counselor of the British Embassy (Wright)
Dear Michael: I wish to acknowledge the receipt of your note to me, of January 14, 1945,48 in which you say that His Majesty’s Government is prepared to accept the President’s proposal, as communicated [Page 23] to Prime Minister Churchill on December 5, 1944,49 with respect to voting in the Security Council of the United Nations Organization. With respect to paragraph 1 of Chapter 8, Section C, the reference is to the second sentence of that paragraph.
I have been asked to tell you of the gratification which we feel at this indication that the views of our two governments are in accord on this extremely important question.
We are bearing in mind the points covered in the third paragraph of your note under reference.
Sincerely yours,
- Conferences at Malta and Yalta, p. 77.↩
- See telegram 2784, December 5, 1944, to Moscow, Conferences at Malta and Yalta, p. 58.↩