
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of International Labor, Social and Health Affairs (Mulliken)10

You will recall that Miss Perkins evidenced a great deal of interest in preventing the representative of the Polish Government from attending the meeting of the Governing Body of the ILO in Quebec. The instructions of the Department on this matter were quite clear and I and the United States Representative on the Governing Body observed them. I was informed, however, that Miss Perkins did ask the Polish Consul General from New York, Mr. Strakacz, to meet her at which time she tried to persuade him that he should withdraw from the meeting. I understand that Mr. Strakacz explained that he could not do this as he was acting under instructions from his government. He apparently reported the interview to a number of other persons subsequently, expressing his displeasure at the incident.

The presence of the Polish representatives was not challenged by anyone during the course of the meetings and Mr. Adamczyk, the workers’ representative, Mr. Strakacz and Mr. Gross participated in all of the meetings.

This is simply for your information.

Otis E. Mulliken
  1. Addressed to the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Durbrow) and to the Director of the Office of European Affairs (Matthews).