500.CC(PC)/10–345: Telegram
The United States Representative on the Preparatory Commission (Stettinius) to President Truman and the Secretary of State
[Received October 3—2:45 p.m.]
10304. At meeting this afternoon which lasted 4 hours the Executive Committee agreed to recommend to the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations that the permanent headquarters of the organization should be located in the United States. The vote was 9 to 3 with Canada and the United States abstaining. The three negative votes were United Kingdom, France and Netherlands. Those in favor were [Page 1454] Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Czechoslovakia, Iran, Mexico, USSR and Yugoslavia. It was not necessary for me to go beyond our agreed formula that the United States was not seeking the headquarters but would be willing that it be located in the United States if the United Nations so desired. I abstained for obvious reasons.
There was considerable sentiment in favor of San Francisco led by Australia and China. I pointed out there were other available locations in the United States. Specific place will be discussed further.
Full report will be sent later.