500.CC/2–1545: TELEGRAM
The Minister in Egypt (Tuck) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received February 15—5:53 p.m.]
381. From Secretary Stettinius.25 The pressure of events makes it necessary that the invitations to the San Francisco Conference be issued immediately. You should make it clear, therefore, to the Provisional Government that France must decide within the next 3 days [Page 73] whether she wishes to join as a sponsoring power prior to the issuance of invitations (she could, of course, join later if she so desires to become a fifth sponsoring power and in any event she would be invited to the Conference.)
Sent Paris; repeated Department as 381. [Stettinius.]
- Secretary Stettinius was en route to Mexico City where he served as the American delegate to the Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace, February 21–March 8, 1945.↩