740.0011 EW/1–2745: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State (Grew) to the Secretary of State

top secret

Telegram to the Secretary of State from the Acting Secretary

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2. French Developments. Following are French developments which Caffery asks be shown to Hopkins. Bidault has showed Caffery [Page 957] the preliminary reports of the French Dumbarton Oaks Committee which are in general accord with our ideas. Bidault stressed that our ideas are so similar “that it would be wicked if we allowed anything to come between us.” Although Stalin had informed DeGaulle in Moscow that he would not support any Free German movements Bidault is still disturbed over recent activities of Von Paulus, which he fears may have some bearing on the Big Three Conference. Bidault indicated clearly that the idea of a Soviet dominated government on their frontiers fill[s] the French with terror. Bidault has stated to Caffery that he is trying very hard to get along with the French Communists, particularly with Thorez, who “is the best of the lot.” Alastair Forbes in the February 4 continental edition of the Daily Mail stated that it should be made perfectly clear that U.S. and not Britain or Russia is responsible for the failure to invite France to the Big Three conference. Kirk has learned that plans are now under consideration for moving the French Corps Leger d’Intervention to Ceylon. This group would be used originally in clandestine operations in Indochina. Chungking reports that the Japanese are concentrating forces in Indochina and are assuming a more exacting attitude. The French Military Attaché feels that French troops may be forced into guerilla activity and would then need supplies and assistance. Wedemeyer has consistently maintained attitude that this situation is probably well known to heads of American and French Governments and must be dealt with by them.1

3. General Information. (This is message No. 23.) The departure of the Subasic Government has been postponed for several days. King Peter has been informed by Subasic that Simovich and Sutej are unacceptable to Tito as regents and must be replaced. The King will insist on having Sutej and will not permit his government to leave until the regents are appointed and approved. Otherwise, there will be no regency and the King will publish his White Paper. . . .

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  1. This paragraph was quoted in a memorandum dated February 8, 1945, from Stettinius to Hopkins (Roosevelt Papers).