Hiss Collection
Hiss Notes1
2/11 12.15 p. m.
PM likes draft but too many “joints”.2 Also make separate ¶ re reparations
Mol. We have an amendment that does that
The 1st part: prefer more detail, naming personalities who took part
Church: At end
St: Better at beginning. Was at Teheran
Pres & PM: OK
St. no other remarks on opening
Church put in generals as well?
St. Yes
Church I agree with that
St name whomever you like
[Page 927]I Defeat of Ger.
Mol amends
Church: Is point of substance in introducing word “Hitlerite” It narrows it. We would prefer “Nazi” Germany
Mol. Withdraws amend. (re Hitlerite Ger)
Church. leave out “joint”, goes without saying various Church amendments
II OK with St.
Ed: Ought make it clear how zone is to be given
Shouldn’t indicate we have accepted the Fr. demand.
“Limits of the Fr. zone will be agreed by the 4 Govts thru their repres. on the EAC”
Wire to Winant
Mol: After II a new chap. on reparations.
We consider the q. on the costs by Ger of Allied loss to Allied Govt in this war it is fair to exact from Ger reparations in Kind in the greatest poss. amt. to the greatest possible extent possible A Commission is created on Reps which will have as its task determining the amt. of reps.
The Com. will sit in Mos.
Pres Only q is whether it is worthwhile to have sep. Chapter or work it in. I can’t find a good place.
Mol After 1st 2 ¶s add:
It has been also resolved to recommend to the Conf. to invite Uk. & Wh. R as orig. member
Pres very embarrassing to me
Church If brought out pub. now without any explanation of US position will cause trouble.
3 members of the War Cab. are objecting to the prin. of more than 1 vote. This only shows controversies it will raise We are all pledged to it in the draft conclusions
I should have to ask for adjournment to consult dominions. It might take several days But we put it all down in the conclusions
St.: Withdrew it But in
Mol ¶s 4 & 5
These ¶s should read as follows:
Concerning voting proc. in the Sec. Coun. of the projected org. Confused with our early draft Say they have no copy of last draft omit “put forward by the Pres.”
Mol If the text which we rec’d last night is united draft of Brit & Ams we didn’t know it. It is agreed
[Page 928]ERS asked Pres if it would affect him politically back home if “put forward by the Pres” is retained & Pres said it would not. Pres preferred to leave the phrase in
P M wants to eliminate 1st sentence of Chap. V on Pol.
Chap IV agreed to
Ed: insert after inherent: “we were impressed by the dangers of any divergence of policy between the major allies toward Poland”
St leave it out altogether
Church: Would prefer Ed’s amended form
St: This is only a statement about proceedings of various representatives. Some may have been impressed, others not.
Pres read our proposed new sentence
Church wants to say dec. re Pol. will be very heavily attacked in Eng. It will be said we have yielded completely on the frontiers & the whole matter to R.
St: Is it in earnest I doubt it
Church I assure you it is. Lon3 Poles will raise a dreadful outcry
St: But the other Poles will predominate
Church I hope you’re right. We’re not going back on it It’s not a q. of nos. of Poles but of the cause for which Brit drew the sword Will say you have completely swept away the only const. govt of Pol. However I will defend it to the best of my ability
VI Yug
Church translate Avnoj
St That’s right. Not every one will understand
VII Agreed
VIII Prisoners of war
St suggests mention of prisoners of war should be deleted. This is a q. among ourselves. We can take dec. but not nec to pub
Mol Says he & Ed agreed will come up in meeting For Mins
Church But can be published?
Agreed be published separately when text completed this afternoon
IX Unity O K with St.
Summary was dropped O K
IX Church what does “want” mean “It means privation & not desire”
Mol Will this communique be signed by the heads of govts
Pres Just as at Teheran
[Page 929]Should be signed first by St. because has been such a wonderful host
St I object
Church. If take alphabet I’ll be first
St—Am. Bloc
" If you take age I also come first
St If St. 1st signature will say he leads. Insists he be in last place
Who will take charge of final text
Church: Bridges
St. perhaps to the For Mins for final checking
Pres. Early
St Mol & Vishinsky. He is not interested in lunch
Pres: For Mins then to read it over in place of P. M, Mar. & me.
St. Who will make list of decs.4 Assign this task to someone else
Pres On summary of conclusions re reps. (i e Sov. protocol) entirely satis to us with few changes
Church Not for publication