Hiss Collection
United States Delegation Memorandum1
Items Still Remaining Open Before Conference Can Be Called
1. Status of France.
At Malta the British and we agreed that France should be a fifth sponsoring power and should be included along with China as one of the powers on whose behalf invitations will be issued.
2. Nature of Consultation with France and China.
At Malta we and the British agreed that the United States should consult France and China on behalf of Britain and Russia.
Mr. Grew is all prepared to initiate this consultation promptly in Washington as soon as he gets a flash.
3. Form of Invitation,
The invitations could most conveniently be issued by the United States on behalf of itself and the other four sponsoring powers. (We have a draft invitation.)
4. International Trusteeships.
We should get agreement that the subjects of international trusteeships and dependent areas will be discussed at the United Nations Conference, and that provisions on these subject will be incorporated in the Charter of the United Nations.
(We should arrange for prompt interchange of papers on these subjects after the Crimean Conference in order to try to get agreed proposals drafted before the United Nations Conference.)
5. Communiqué of the Crimean Conference on Dumbarton Oaks Proposals.
We have a drafted communiqué. (Wilder Foote is preparing an alternative draft for your consideration.)
- Ribbon copy; authorship not indicated. This memorandum was prepared presumably for Stettinius. On August 13, 1954, Matthews wrote that he thought it had been drafted by Hiss (640.029/8–1354).↩