Hiss Collection
United States Delegation Memorandum1
Points To Take Up With the President
1. Location of Conference.
(See attached papers)2
2. Consultation of France before Invitations are Issued.
(a) France is listed in the proposals as one of the five permanent members “in due course.”
At Dumbarton Oaks, “in due course” was understood to mean recognition—which has now occurred.
(b) We need France’s influence among the smaller powers in “selling” the Organization.
(c) To save time, the United States can consult France on behalf of Britian and Russia.
3. Consultation of China before Invitations are Issued.
(a) China is a full fledged Dumbarton Oaks participant and must be one of the sponsoring powers.
(b) We can consult China on behalf of Britain and Russia.
4. Mr. Stimson is Opposed to Territorial Trusteeships.
(a) Joint Chiefs have agreed to setting up the machinery of Territorial Trusteeships—without discussion of specific territories.
(b) United States public opinion has criticized Dumbarton Oaks for leaving out Territorial Trusteeships.
(c) New organization can’t supersede League of Nations without disposing of Mandates System.
(d) Chinese, Russians, Latin Americans all want Territorial Trusteeships.
The British will agree.
We can’t be the one objecting power.