Hiss Collection
Hiss Notes1
2/7 12.00 meeting ERS, Molotov, Eden Amb H, Doc, Page, A. H.—Cadogan, Clark-Kerr, Jebb, Theakstone, Dixon, Harrison, ? — Vishinsky, Maisky, Gusev, Galunsky, Novikof
ERS at outset asked if there were any q’s re D. O. which we failed to make clear yesterday If so I am prepared to answer with my colleagues any q’s that may remain open & to expand in any way
Mol. Not quite prepared to ask any q’s now
ERS merely made the offer but no desire to discuss it. No new points to bring up.
Mol. Thanks
ERS Ready at any time now or later
ERS report—1 p. by 4 p. m.
2/7 For Mins Mol. Chm
[Page 706]France
→Report: We are agreed that Fr. should have a zone of occupation in Ger. for occup. by Fr. forces. Mr. Mol & ERS believe q. of particip by Fr. in Control Com. should be studied by EAC. Ed.2 believes particip of Fr. in Con. Com should be agreed to now. [Ed would also be willing say 3 For Mins agree that if Fr. is admitted to Con. Com. no other power should be given zone]3
Mol: add 20,000,000,000 total
Principles—Eden wants add suffering to ¶ 1 Agreed by Mol. Eden in prin agrees with ¶ 2
ERS wants study memo—will do so promptly & discuss it at your pleasure. Pres. at plenary session that U S would be interested in no reparations except for. investments & perhaps raw materials Would be surprised if it would approach figure suggested. Perhaps Brit would take some of what U S gives up. Mol. up to U S & Brit.
Hopes can report we agreed Commission should be est. immediately to go to work.
Mol. ready to go on when Brit & Am. Delegs. have had time study R draft.
→Report we have discussed this q. today; Will discuss it further & agreed Com. should be est in Mos. & begin work immediately
ERS asked Mol. if wants discuss work labor here or later. Mol—may not be ready to discuss here but agreed will be discussed by Rep. Commission at Mos.
Mol. amendment delete “on recommend, of the Allied Com. or on their own initiative” OK Ed. change “may” to “shall” OK
ERS: Approves doc. on understanding we have not yet agreed on principles
Ed. Should Rep. Com. study control of Ger. industry for security purposes.
ERS—EAC, Rep Com, & D. O. Staff Com. all may do this
Ed. Amended suggestion: We should consider whether this Com.4
ERS: Control machinery should have responsibility for control of German industry for security purposes. The Reparation Commission should, of course, coordinate its work with the policies of the Control machinery & establish liaison. Agreed.
Mol. It is bus. not only of Com but also of 3 govts
These handwritten notes cover three unnumbered Pages in the Hiss Collection, Since the notes on the third Page obviously pertain to the opening discussion at the meeting, they are printed here in that order, which corresponds to the sequence of topics in the Page minutes for this meeting.
For citations to pertinent documents, see the preceding Page minutes.
↩ - Eden.↩
- Brackets appear in the original.↩
- In the original notes there is a blank space of about half a Page at this point.↩