308. Memorandum From the Director of the Policy Planning Staff, Department of State (Kennan) to the Assistant Director for Policy Coordination, Central Intelligence Agency (Wisner)0

Mr. Wisner:

I have examined carefully the volume entitled “OPC Projects Fiscal 19–9–1950”.1

In my opinion, this presentation contains the minimum of what is required from the foreign policy standpoint in the way of covert operations during the coming year. There may be one or two instances in which we will have to ask you to add to the list of functions set forth in this representation.

As the international situation develops, every day makes more evident the importance of the role which will have to be played by covert operations if our national interests are to be adequately protected.

George F. Kennan
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency Historical Files, HS/CSG–759, Job 83–00036, Box 5, Folder 8, Top Secret.
  2. Not found.