273. Memorandum From Director of Central Intelligence Hillenkoetter to the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council (Souers)0


  • Psychological Operations
Reference is made to the proposed NSC Directive, as drafted 7 May 1948,1 pertaining to covert(psychological) operations. This Agency [Page 677] has several times, during the discussion phases of this proposed directive, placed itself on record as opposed to the plan on which the proposed directive is based. The proposed directive, if enacted, will establish a staff function providing for Authority in a delicate field of operation—without the Responsibility.
This Agency again strongly urges that the provision of NSC 4–A, as written, be continued without change. If the National Security Council and the Joint Chiefs of Staff feel the need for emergency and wartime planning in the covert psychological warfare field, then we again suggest that advance planning be made the responsibility of the facility currently in operation.
However, if the National Security Council approves this proposed draft of 10 May 1948,2 the Central Intelligence Agency, of course, will cooperate to the best of its ability in an endeavor to make a going concern of the proposed Special Studies organization.
R. H. Hillenkoetter 3

Rear Admiral, USN
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency Historical Files, HS/HC-807, Item 22. Top Secret. The source text is a copy transcribed for the CIA Historian in 1953. Also reproduced in CIA Cold War Records: The CIA under Harry Truman, p. 201.
  2. The May 7 draft has not been found.
  3. Not printed. (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 273, Records of the National Security Council, NSC 10/2) See the Supplement.
  4. Printed from a copy that indicates Hillenkoetter signed the original.