209. Memorandum of Conversation0


  • Legislative Interests of Central Intelligence Group


  • Mr. Walter L. Pforzheimer, Chief, Legislative Liaison Division, Central Intelligence Group
  • Mr. Durward V. Sandifer, AA/L

Mr. Pforzheimer called at my office by arrangement made by Mr. Donald Edgar. Mr. Pforzheimer, who is in charge of legislative relations for the Central Intelligence Group wanted to discuss problems of mutual interest. He took up particularly the following problems:


The National Security Act Provisions for a Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Pforzheimer said that they had considerable doubts about the provision in the National Security Act placing the proposed Central Intelligence Agency under the National Security Council. He thought that this was administratively unworkable, and suggested that it would probably not be satisfactory to the Department of State as the Secretary of State would be in a minority on the National Security Council. His agency is considering a proposal for the establishment of a supervisory committee consisting of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of National Defense, and a civilian appointee, who would supervise the Central Intelligence Agency and make recommendations to the Security Council. Unanimous recommendations would be binding on the Security Council and, in the event of a difference of opinion, the matter would be referred to the President.

The Central Intelligence Group is working on enabling legislation for the establishment of a Central Intelligence Agency. Mr. Pforzheimer said that at a later date he would supply me with copies of the drafts they were working on.

Central Intelligence Group Personnel. Mr. Pforzheimer said that the proposed Central Intelligence Agency would have its own personnel and would not rely on personnel supplied by the State, War, and Navy [Page 566] Departments. Considerable action in this direction has already been taken. There are only a few persons who are with the Central Intelligence Group at the present time who are still on the State Department payroll.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Records of the Department of State, Decimal File 1945–49, 101.61/3–1047. No classification marking. Drafted by Sandifer.