203. Memorandum of Conversation0

Lt. General Vandenberg, Director of Central Intelligence, discussed with Mr. Clifford the proposal of Central Intelligence Group that legislation be introduced to authorize the establishment on a statutory basis of the National Intelligence Authority and the Central Intelligence Group.

It had been Vandenberg’s understanding since last June when he first submitted a proposed bill to Mr. Clifford for comment, that the White House favored such legislation. He had also been led to believe that the President might include a recommendation along these lines in the State of the Union message.

Mr. Clifford told him on 8 January that such a recommendation had been included in the early drafts of the message but that both Admiral Leahy and the President felt that it was undesirable and unnecessary to bring this matter to the attention of the Congress at the present.

General Vandenberg stated that he believed that the NIA favored such legislation. Vandenberg will lay the matter before NIA and report its decision to Dr. Clifford.


Commander, U.S.N.R.
  1. Source: Truman Library, Papers of George M. Elsey, Central Intelligence. No classification marking. Drafted on January 9 by Elsey.