740.00119 E.A.C./8–1144

The British Embassy to the Department of State


As the State Department are aware the European Advisory Commission which, under paragraph 3 of its terms of reference, is competent to make recommendations about the terms of surrender to be imposed upon any of the European Enemy States, has now submitted its recommendations for Germany86 and is about to discuss Bulgaria.

In the opinion of His Majesty’s Government the European Advisory Commission should now also consider the case of Hungary in order that Three Power agreement may be reached in good time on the terms to be imposed upon that country. As Hungary cannot profitably be discussed in isolation from Roumania His Majesty’s Government would further suggest that the European Advisory Commission should be asked to take note of the terms which have already been communicated to the Roumanian emissaries87 and to consider whether these terms should now be amplified in any way.

In communicating the above views to the State Department, His Majesty’s Chargé d’Affaires is instructed to ask whether the State Department agree that the European Advisory Commission should now be instructed to consider surrender terms for Hungary and Roumania as suggested above. His Majesty’s Government would be grateful for a very early reply.

A similar approach is being made to the Soviet Government.

  1. See vol. i , section entitled “Participation by the United States in the work of the European Advisory Commission,” part V.
  2. See telegram Yugos 84, April 8, 2 p.m., from the Ambassador near the Yugoslav Government in Exile, vol. iv , section under Rumania entitled “Negotiations leading to signing of armistice with Rumania…”