711.62114 Sick/12–2144: Telegram
The Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle) to the Secretary of State
Bern, December 21,
[Received December 21—10:58 a.m.]
[Received December 21—10:58 a.m.]
8249. American Interests American German Exchange. Your 4223, December 15.61 Legation’s 8209, December 18.61 Following is translation from French substance Swiss Foreign Office notice December 19th received today.
- (1)
- Swiss Government agrees that exchange seriously wounded sanitary personnel and civilians to be completed in whole or in part in January 1945 take place Swiss territory.
- (2)
- In case where it appears necessary in carrying out exchange to lodge for several days in Switzerland POWs and civilians, Swiss authorities prepared, if American Government so desires, to take necessary measures this effect. In this case Foreign Office should be informed earliest possible time in advance of number persons to be lodged and also date of their entry into Switzerland and length their sojourn.
- (3)
- To facilitate exchange operations Swiss Government will willingly make available sanitary trains which will travel between German-Swiss frontier and a port in southern France including locomotives and coal necessary for journey. Simultaneously Swiss Government expresses the hope that an equivalent quantity of coal may be returned, for example, at the Mediterranean port designated as terminus.
- (4)
- If American Government accepts offer utilize Swiss sanitary trains Foreign Office requests Legation so inform it earliest possible time and subsequently at least a week in advance of number of persons to be transported and itinerary proposed.62