711.62114 Sick/12–1544: Telegram

The Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle) to the Secretary of State

8150. American Interests Germany, Repatriation Sick and Wounded. Foreign Office note December 14 quotes following from note December 14 from German Legation Bern (translation from German). Numbered paragraphs refer numbered paragraphs your 4108, December 5.

“The German Government agrees to a further exchange of sick and wounded POWs on January 17, 1945.

The five POWs left behind in September (paragraph numbered 7) will be included in the forthcoming exchange.

The German Government gives the assurance desired by the American Government regarding paragraph 6 concerning American POWs in German custody.

The German Government agrees to the use of the proposed exchange ships for the transportation of POW mail and NOK60 parcels in both directions (numbered paragraph 9) and expects a similar assurance from the British Government.

In paragraph numbered 2 of the American proposal it is not clear what is meant by the use of the German hospital ship Gradisca. The German Government prefers not to consider at all the use of the Gradisca and to carry out the whole exchange insofar as possible through Switzerland as the exchange point. This would also be in the interest of those British and American repatriables who are interned in middle and south Germany.”

Swiss note adds that as regards German proposal that exchange take place on Swiss territory the Swiss authorities agree in principle to facilitate transit through Switzerland of repatriate convoys.

  1. Next-of-kin.