711.62114 Sick/12–544: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Switzerland (Huddle)

4108. American Interests Germany—Repatriation Sick and Wounded. Please request Swiss Government to inform the German Government that the United States Government is prepared to arrange a further exchange of seriously sick and seriously wounded prisoners of war upon the basis of the following proposals:

  • “(1) The exchange shall take place on or about January 17. The United States Government suggests for the consideration and acceptance of the German Government, subject to the agreement of the Swedish Government, that Goteborg shall be the exchange point to which German repatriables from the North American continent, other than those included in paragraph 2, and the American repatriables, shall be delivered.
  • (2) The United States Government suggests that the German Government employ the hospital ship Gradisca to collect, from Mediterranean ports to be designated later, German repatriables who may be held in the custody of the United States Government in that theater, and to deposit them at Trieste or some other port to be agreed upon. In order to facilitate the movement of German repatriables, the Government of the United States is willing to arrange for the Gradisca to make a call prior to the exchange date to remove such German repatriables as can at that time be delivered to German Government. Except for this proposed call, the remainder of the German repatriables to be carried by the Gradisca will be delivered contemporaneously with the Goteborg operation.
  • (3) If the foregoing is agreeable, the number of German sick and wounded prisoners of war to be returned by the United States Government through each of the aforementioned points will be notified sufficiently in advance to permit the German Government to make the necessary arrangements.
  • (4) The number of German seriously sick and seriously wounded prisoners of war in the custody of the United States Government to be repatriated in the proposed exchange is expected to be approximately 2800. This number includes prisoners of war in categories II–A and II–B of the Model Agreement annexed to the Geneva Prisoners of War Convention, who have been found eligible for repatriation by Mixed Medical Commissions and American military medical authorities in accordance with the recent arrangement between the United States Government and the German Government.
  • (5) The United States Government will transmit the nominal rolls of the German prisoners of war who will be repatriated in this exchange not later than 10 days prior to the exchange date. The United States Government expects that the German Government for its part will likewise transmit not later than 10 days prior to the exchange date, the lists of the names of American prisoners of war it will return.
  • (6) The United States Government further expects to be assured by the German Government that (1) the lists furnished by the German Government will comprise all the seriously sick and seriously wounded [Page 816] American prisoners of war held by the German Government who, at the time of the transmission of the nominal rolls, have been found eligible for direct repatriation or hospitalization in a neutral country, by either Mixed Medical Commissions or German military medical authorities; (2) that the German Government will continue after the transmission of the nominal rolls to examine sick and wounded American prisoners of war and will return those found eligible for repatriation in time to be included in the exchange; and (3) that all American prisoners of war in (1) and (2) above will be repatriated in the proposed exchange. The United States Government now furnishes to the German Government the equivalent assurances as to those German prisoners of war in the custody of the United States Government who are determined to be eligible for repatriation.
  • (7) The United States Government has been informed that the German Government was not able to return at Goteborg, Sweden in September 1944, five seriously sick and seriously wounded American prisoners of war who had been approved for repatriation by the Mixed Medical Commissions in May 1944. The United States Government therefore expects that the German Government will also return these individuals in the proposed exchange.
  • (8) The United States Government intends to make use of the Gripsholm and such additional supplementary shipping as may be necessary to transport German repatriables in its custody to the exchange points. Upon the acceptance of these proposals by the German Government, the United States Government will request assurances of safe conduct from the German Government and its associates for the vessels used in this exchange. In this connection the United States Government recalls the incident which occurred off Kristiansand, Norway, on September 11, 1944, when the Gripsholm carrying British and American repatriates from Goteborg was stopped and forced to put into Kristiansand where two members of the crew were forcibly taken from the vessel. The United States Government wishes to be assured by the German Government that it will not interfere in any way with the vessels used by the United States Government in this exchange, the members of their crews or their passengers.
  • (9) It is proposed if the German Government is agreeable to utilize the Gripsholm and supplementary shipping used in this operation to carry prisoner of war mail and relief supplies in both directions.
  • (10) It is understood that parallel proposals for an exchange of sick and wounded prisoners of war will shortly be made to the German Government by the British Commonwealth Governments.”

Please request Swiss Government to transmit these proposals to the German Government to reach that Government before the close of business on December 6 and to ask the German Government to reply urgently and, if possible, by December 13 as to whether these proposals are acceptable in order that the necessary technical arrangements for this exchange may be initiated without delay.
