841D.01/241: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Ireland (Gray)
19. Some days ago we received the British reply in the sense indicated in your 25, February 16.14 The matter was then submitted to the President for his final approval, which has now been given.
[Page 221]Please address a note to Mr. de Valera with the text of the message as telegraphed in the Department’s No. 13, February 315 and amended by your No. 17, February 5. Request an appointment with Mr. de Valera to hand this note to him personally.
You will also wish to keep in touch with Sir John Maffey so that the British note may be delivered within a day or two after our own. We are informing London that we regard as important the delivery of the British note immediately after our own in order to make clear our common attitude on this matter.
We are also informing London that no publicity is contemplated at present, that we shall be glad to consult with the British regarding any further action after receipt of the Irish Government’s reply, and that similarly we assume that the British Government will consult with us regarding any further action on their part.