740.00116 E.W./9–944

President Roosevelt to the President of Haiti (Lescot)

My Dear Mr. President: I wish to thank you for your letter of September 9, 1944, with its attached “Mémoire”, and for the cordial sentiments which it expresses.

Your suggestion of a joint declaration by all the United Nations regarding asylum for war criminals in neutral countries is most interesting. I may say confidentially that we have been considering the desirability of a further public declaration on the subject, and I entirely subscribe to your view that size and power should be no bar to the indubitable right of each of the United Nations to be heard on this as on other matters of common concern. I am greatly pleased to have your suggestion and assure you that I shall give it careful and sympathetic consideration, since we are all agreed that justice must be meted out to all those who have shown such a gross disregard for humane and decent treatment of helpless people.

Permit me to express, Mr. President, my deep appreciation for your statement of the gratitude of the Haitian Government and people for the role my country has been able to play in the defense of Haiti from Nazi tyranny.

I take this opportunity again to extend to you, Mr. President, my warmest personal regards, and to assure you of my sincere friendship.

I am [etc.]

Franklin D. Roosevelt