740.00116 European War 1939/1434

The First Secretary of the British Embassy (Gore-Booth) to the Legal Adviser (Hackworth)

Dear Mr. Hackworth: I have pleasure in communicating to you herewith some further material from the Foreign Office49 in regard to the punishment of war criminals.

[Page 1318]

It occurred to me in looking at the correspondence that our points of view are now pretty close and that what may be needed is a little careful drafting. Would it perhaps save time and trouble if you or your deputy could call together a small meeting of representatives of the War and Navy Departments and this Embassy to prepare a draft? It could then be submitted as an agreed draft to higher authority in the different departments, and, if it appeared necessary, by telegraph to the United Kingdom Government.

Yours very sincerely,

Paul Gore-Booth
  1. Supra.