740.00116 European War/10–244

The Department of State to the Polish Embassy


Reference is made to the Memoranda from the Polish Embassy of September 23, 1944 and October 2, 1944 relative to the information received by the Polish Government regarding plans of the German authorities in Poland to exterminate thousands of innocent persons [Page 1255] held in concentration camps at Oświęcim and Brzezinki. The Memoranda from the Embassy suggested that a joint Anglo-American declaration be issued warning German officials that if they carried out these plans they would be brought to justice.

In compliance with this suggestion, the United States Government issued the following statement on October 10, 1944:

“The United States Government has been informed by the Polish Government that it had received reliable information that German officials in Poland are making plans for the extermination of tens of thousands of innocent persons of Polish and other United Nations nationalities as well as Jewish deportees from areas under German control who are now held in concentration camps, particularly those at Brzezinki and Oświęcim.

“The United States Government takes this occasion to warn again the German Government and Nazi officials that if these plans are carried out those guilty of such murderous acts will be brought to justice and pay the penalty for their heinous crimes.”

The release of this statement was coordinated with the British Government which, it is understood, issued a similar and parallel statement on the above-mentioned date.