340.1115A/8–2644: Telegram
The Consul General at Naples (Brandt) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 26—2:47 p.m.]
444. Swiss Legation Rome where representation American interests Italy centralized having lost contact with invaded areas Nester,30 Palermo, and I here upon opening offices31 took on full representation in our respective districts. Replying Department’s 478, August 21, 9 p.m.32 Upon liberation Rome33 and Kirk’s removal there34 I went [Page 1201] to Rome latter part July and had understanding with Swiss Legation that Legation would continue representing American interests northward from Naples district until Consulate Rome established when representation our interests would be formally relinquished by Legation. I have thus delayed formal assumption representation as permitted by Foreign Service Serial 10835 and because I do not have the necessary officer assistance to do all that assumption entails particularly in checking inventory, taking possession of property and archives and extending consular activities of this office to Rome and northward. Please see my 187, June 14, 10 a.m.,35 in this connection.
Regarding extension financial assistance to American nationals Allied financial authorities36 have been and are extending such assistance as to other Allied nationals in liberated areas under promissory note procedure. I shall describe in despatch.37 Nester and I cooperating with those authorities in examining applicants for assistance in our districts. Swiss Legation still extending assistance in Rome district after checking against duplicate payments. Kirk informs me that Allied Control Commission pressing for American and British Consuls to take over payments.38 I have replied that I have been gathering necessary data from Swiss, and Allied authorities have asked Nester to Naples for consultation and propose to take on payments when Consulate Rome established to share in work.39
[Here follow requests for additional consular officers.]
Please advise.
- Alfred T. Nester, Consul General at Palermo.↩
- The Consulate General at Naples was reestablished and opened to the public on July 1, 1944.↩
- Not printed.↩
- June 4, 1944.↩
- Office of the American Representative on the Advisory Council for Italy, formerly at Naples, transferred to Rome.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩
- Allied Financial Agency.↩
- Despatch 99, September 9, not printed.↩
- According to telegram 78, September 1, 2 p.m., from Palermo, Allied Control Commission had been and was extending financial assistance to American nationals in southern areas of Italy including Sicily (340.1115A/9–144).↩
- Telegram 5, July 19, to Rome, indicated that pending such time as the Embassy in Rome could be reopened as a combined office, a Consulate was to be established there, and the Consulate General at Naples would be the supervisory office (125.771/7–1944).↩