740.00119 E.A.C./9–1944

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State

The French Delegate95 called at his request. He said that his “Government” desired first to thank this Government for turning back to him and his associates the French embassy for reoccupation by them.96

[Page 91]

He then handed me a note, copy of which is hereto attached,97 relating to the desires of the present French authorities in France to be placed on the European Advisory Commission in London.

I thanked him and said the matter would be given early and full attention, and that I would confer with my associates and pass it on to the President.

C[ordell] H[ull]
  1. Henri Hoppenot, Delegate of the French Committee of National Liberation and later of the French Provisional Government.
  2. For correspondence regarding the recognition by the United States of the French Provisional Government on October 23, 1944, see vol. iii, pp. 634 ff.
  3. Infra.