The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)
Sir: Reference is made to the Department’s airmail instruction No. 219 of July 13, 1944,23 with which was submitted a revised tentative draft for a United Nations Organization for Educational and Cultural Reconstruction. At the time this instruction was sent to you, the Department also despatched to the American Ambassadors in London and Chungking an instruction and a copy of the revised tentative draft, asking them to discuss the draft informally with the Foreign Minister of the country to which they are accredited.
There is enclosed herewith a copy of a subsequent instruction being sent to Chungking,24 in reply to a telegram raising certain questions regarding discussion of the proposed United Nations Organization with the Foreign Minister. You will note the Department has asked the Ambassador to indicate to the Foreign Minister informally and orally the textual differences between the original tentative draft prepared in London, copy of which is enclosed, and the draft after revision in the Department. You will note also an indication of the Department’s intentions regarding the proposed organization.
The copy of this subsequent instruction and the original tentative draft are for your information when discussing the proposed United Nations Organization for educational and Cultural Reconstruction with the Soviet Government. A copy is also being sent to the American Ambassador in London.
Very truly yours,