EAC Files, Lot 52M64, Box 9605, “131 Allied Consultation Preliminary Stage”: Telegram
Draft Telegram From the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State 21
There has been no action by the EAC on the question of consultation with other Allied Governments. The British delegate gave up pressing for a decision some time ago when the Russian delegate made it clear that he was not disposed to discuss any subject other than the surrender terms for Germany until those terms were agreed upon.22
In informal talks with Gousev and myself last week Strang reopened the question, recommending that interested European Allies be invited to submit to the EAC recommendations regarding surrender [Page 56] terms. I pointed out the need for security and speed in reaching agreement. Gousev was noncommittal and I suspect he had in mind that his Government would not wish him to have any dealings with certain refugee governments in London.
I am aware that the EAC is responsible for deciding this question but I feel you should know how matters now stand. It is very unlikely that the Russians will agree to consult in any way with any other government before the surrender terms are submitted to the three Governments. This is particularly true now in view of the disturbing articles published in the Observer on May 7 (see my Comea 5823).
- A handwritten marginal note reads as follows: “Not sent—subject to be taken up by the Ambassador personally in the U.S.A.” Ambassador Winant was in Washington for consultation from May 14 to May 26. There is no Department record of discussions on this subject.↩
- See footnote 95, p. 42.↩
- Telegram 3760, May 8, from London, not printed. One article was concerned with the post-war treatment of Germany and went into the functions of the European Advisory Commission; the article stated that German armistice terms were almost the only subject being considered by the Commission, possibly because of an American reluctance to settle intricate European political problems in the Commission at that stage. The other article reported upon concerned the plan for the economic disarmament being prepared by the Inter-Allied Armistice Study Committee. (740.00119 EAC/176)↩