740.0011 EW/10–1744: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
9183. For Murphy. State, War and Office of War Information after consideration of the points contained in your telegram sent as London’s 8842, October 17, 6 p.m. have agreed upon a joint propaganda directive for Germany which has been approved by the President. This directive will be transmitted to SHAEF by the War Department32 and a copy will be given to you. It will contain no reference to your telegram or to the PWD proposals.
For your information State, War and Office of War Information in submitting this matter to the President made objection to the total effect of the PWD proposals and to the implications inherent therein. It was stated that these proposals might result in appeals to the Germans which we would not want in any form; that the reassurances suggested might create subsequent difficulties since military considerations might make implementation impossible; and that in no event could the Allies be expected to provide for the Germans better food and employment conditions than they had under their own Government or are now being received by the people in liberated areas. The President was informed that in general the PWD proposals were much too conciliatory and ingratiating.
The Department commends you for your action in this matter.
- For a brief commentary upon this phase of the propaganda program, see Pogue, The Supreme Command, p. 344.↩