740.00119 EAC/8–2244: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 22—3 p.m.]
6799. Comea 76. Strang has informally written to Gousev and myself setting forth his delegation’s suggestions for the organization of the tripartite occupation of Austria. Exclusive of Vienna, Austrian territory would be divided into two zones which would be occupied [Page 459] respectively by armed forces of the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. Vienna would be occupied as a combined zone by forces of the three powers. The small American contingent would be stationed in the Vienna zone. The proposed U.K. zone would include the Reichsgaue of Salzburg, Tyrol, Carinthia and Styria. The Soviet zone would include upper Austria and lower Austria, exclusive of the Reichsgau of Vienna. The proposed line of delimitation would coincide with the boundary between the two Wehrkreise. Full text is being forwarded by courier.76 I am likewise forwarding a British proposal for tripartite control machinery for Austria which the United Kingdom delegation has circulated in the Commission as EAC 44/24.77