740.00119 EAC/9–2944

The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: The Joint Chiefs of Staff have given careful consideration to your memorandum of 22 July 1944 enclosing a policy memorandum and a summary statement on the subject of the Treatment of Germany.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff consider that the subject matter of these papers contains important considerations of military interest but that these are so involved with important political considerations as not to be separable into sections. Furthermore, certain portions of these two memoranda are so outmoded by policy decisions made since their preparation as to require over-all revision before forwarding to the United States representative on the European Advisory Commission for his guidance.

In view of this necessity for revision, due to intervening decisions and the involved military considerations, it is suggested that the matter might be handled most expeditiously by assigning the task of reworking the papers to the Working Security Committee on which there is military representation.

Sincerely yours,

For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
William D. Leahy
Admiral, U.S. Navy,
Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy