740.00119 EAC/207: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

4955. Personal for the Secretary and Mr. Dunn. In the European Advisory Commission we have completed the draft of surrender terms for Germany but have not as yet had a formal decision of the Commission to forward it with a recommendation for its acceptance by the three Governments.

We have completed and unofficially approved within the Commission a protocol covering the occupation of Germany. In this we have designated Russia as occupying the eastern area and have left blank the names of the two countries which are to occupy the northwest and southwest areas respectively although we have delineated these areas.

The Russian delegate, Mr. Gousev, wants to complete a protocol outlining the occupation of Austria before forwarding any documents to our respective Governments (my 4844, June 17, 4 p.m.81). Strang and I want to forward at once the draft surrender terms and the protocol covering the occupation of Germany. We hope to settle this difference at a meeting the first of next week.

Under the present schedule we will next take up the question of control machinery for Germany. We have already done a great deal of work on the proclamations and orders but to date Gousev wants to [Page 236] finish agreement on control machinery before clearing the proclamations and orders.

At our informal meeting at the end of last week Gousev, after consulting his Government, accepted in principle the canvassing of other Allied Governments for their views and agreed to consider the ways and means of doing so after completing the draft surrender terms and the protocol on the occupation of Germany and the protocol on the occupation of Austria.

When the three Chiefs of Staff82 were here I gave each of them a copy of the draft surrender terms. I also forwarded a copy by courier to the Department. I understand this draft has been seen by the British Cabinet without suggestion of change.

  1. Post, p. 436.
  2. The Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, Gen. George C. Marshall; the Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Ernest J. King; the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, Gen. Henry H. Arnold.