740.00112A European War 1939/30718: Telegram

The Chargé in Venezuela (Flack) to the Secretary of State

454. Embassy’s A–126, March 26, 10:30 a.m.92 Department’s reply urgently desired as local insurance situation continues entirely unsatisfactory and a serious impediment to effective control efforts in other [Page 838] directions, particularly curtailment of normal banking accommodation to Proclaimed List firms. Again strongly urge action as Suggested in its A–126.

  1. Not printed; it referred to British reinsurance of Proclaimed and Statutory business carried on by the banking firm of La Previsora and urged that if the Department could not obtain British agreement to earnest possible termination of reinsurance of Proclaimed List business, Previsora be considered for inclusion on the Proclaimed List (740.00112A European War 1939/27866). For a further report regarding this firm, see despatch No. 4699, August 7, from the Ambassador in Venezuela, p. 844.