
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by Mr. W. G. MacLean of the Division of the American Republics

Mr. McGregor telephoned at 5:40 to say the question of authorization by the Mexican Government for the contracting of additional non-agricultural workers was still being held up. He said that today was the President’s birthday and that he left town yesterday and would not be back until tomorrow and that the Minister of Labor had therefore not been able to see him today. Mr. McGregor said that the Minister of Labor thought that since the subject of the 6,000 non-agricultural workers already contracted had been cleared with the President, the request for an additional 15,000 should also be cleared with him.

Mr. McGregor said that he was following the matter very closely and that he would telephone the minute he had definite word on the subject. I thanked him for calling and said that War Manpower and other interested agencies were calling the Department several times a day on this subject and that his call and assurance were especially helpful.