The Assistant Chief of the Division of the American Republics (McGurk) to the Ambassador in Mexico (Messersmith)
Dear Mr. Ambassador: Shortly after our telephone conversation this afternoon I received a copy of your telegram no. 473 of May 14, [Page 552] regarding the situation which has developed under the regulations of section 5 (g) of Public Law 45.22
I immediately communicated the contents of your telegram to an official of the Immigration and Naturalization Service with whom we have been dealing on this matter, and he said in comment that we should not think for a moment that Immigration is not in entire accord with our point of view on this matter. He said that he believed the order given to border immigration officials yesterday, May 14, to suspend any documentation under the afore-mentioned regulations took care of the situation for the time being, and that the order would not be modified until word was received from Mr. Travers of VD23 through the Embassy. It is apparent that Immigration now realizes that the regulations published on May 1124 were not prepared with due consideration and I believe that Immigration now sees the necessity of modifying them in some way.
I shall keep you informed of any new developments.
With all good wishes,
Sincerely yours,
- Public Law 45, (57 Stat. 70) appropriated $26,100,000, a part of which was to be apportioned among the needy states, for recruiting, training, transporting, feeding, and various other functions pertaining to the expansion of the labor supply in the United States.↩
- Howard Travers, Chief of the Visa Division.↩
- 8 Federal Register 6013.↩