The President of Mexico (Avila Camacho) to President Roosevelt
My Dear Mr. President: I take pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your kind letter of the 24th of last month, in which you mention the possibility that the Alien Property Custodian, Mr. Leo Crowley, put at the disposal of the Mexican Government members of the enterprises which he manages, in order to contribute to the success of our chemical and pharmaceutical industries.
I am very grateful to you for the spontaneous and friendly interest with which you have been good enough to consider this matter within the framework of close cooperation which characterizes the development of relations between our peoples and, although for the present I am not in a position to make a concrete decision in this matter, I believe that it would be very suitable for Mr. Crowley himself—or his authorized representative—to come, informally, to Mexico with the object of explaining his projects more fully since everything which could result in a collaboration of mutual benefit for our Republics will always be warmly welcomed by us.
If you consider that the trip I allude to can be accomplished, I shall appreciate your letting me know either directly or through Ambassador Messersmith. who is fully acquainted with the matter as he has [Page 516] likewise begun discussions regarding it with the Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Mexico.
In the last paragraphs of your letter you kindly refer to our interviews at Monterrey and Corpus Christi. I also retain the best of recollections of the important conversations we had on that occasion, which gave me the opportunity of appreciating directly and personally the noble democratic fervor of your decision in favor of a policy of equity and social justice for our America.
With the hope of seeing you soon in the manner in which we planned it during our meeting in the month of April, I greet you with all consideration and renew the assurances of my cordial friendship.