740.00112a European War 1939/24873

The Chargé in Mexico (Bursley) to the Secretary of State

No. 7000

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s Circular Instruction dated December 17, 1942,14 File No. 740.00112A European War, 1939/22236B, entitled “Vesting, Forced Sale and Intervention of Proclaimed List Business Enterprises Essential to the Local Economy,” wherein the Department discusses the best means of removing undesirable interests from those business enterprises essential to the economy of the nation in which the Mission is located. The circular together with the two enclosures transmitted therewith have been of considerable assistance to the Mission in considering these problems, although, under the peculiar conditions existing in Mexico certain of the Department’s observations set forth under the Instruction under reference, such as, the classification of Proclaimed List firms, are not applicable to the problems confronting this Mission.

In its despatch No. 6930, dated January 26, 1943, entitled “Intervention by the Mexican Government of Firms on the Proclaimed List,”14 this Mission submitted to the Department the names of certain Proclaimed List firms made the subject of forced sale by the Mexican Government. In connection with these sales, the Embassy knows of no instance where financial aid or technical or managerial assistance is needed. Any such instances coming to the attention of this Mission [Page 480] will be promptly reported to the Department, in accordance with the provision of the Instruction under reference; as will also additional information obtained regarding the sales mentioned in the Embassy’s despatch No. 6930 cited above or regarding any additional sales advertised by the Mexican Government.

Respectfully yours,

For the Chargé d’Affaires a. i.
Charles A. Bay

Commercial Attaché
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  2. Not printed.