The Acting Secretary of State to the Honduran Minister (Cáceres)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of January 23, 194341 in which you request that a mission be sent to Honduras to study the monetary system and credit needs of the country.
I take pleasure in informing you that I am in receipt of a letter from the Treasury Department stating that that Department is prepared to undertake the sending of a special technical mission to Honduras in accordance with the stipulations set forth in your note of January 23, 1943.42
It is the intention of the Treasury Department to include in the personnel of the mission experts from other agencies of this Government. The Treasury Department states that while the members of the mission can be selected in the near future and preparatory work done in this country, it will not be possible for the mission to leave promptly for Honduras because the duties of several members of the mission will require their presence in Washington for the next two months. It would appear, however, that the mission will be able to arrange to leave for Honduras in April or May.
Accept [etc.]
- Not printed.↩
- The stipulations were as follows: the sending of a technical mission by, and for the account and risk of, the United States Treasury Department on the understanding that its principal object would be to render a decision on the advisability of founding a National Bank or such other bank as it might consider to be most suitable, and on the further understanding that the resultant recommendations would not necessarily lead to any decision or action by the Honduran Government.↩