811.20 Defense(M)Colombia/472: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Colombia (Lane)

175. Reference your 142, January 20, 1943, 10 p.m. The Department and Defense Supplies agree that the four proposed changes are undesirable. If, however, some concessions along these lines seem to you necessary in order to expedite the final agreement, there is no particular objection to covering number 1 by revising paragraph 6-(a) in agreement as it now stands to read as follows:

“Make available qualified personnel of its Air Force, Civilian Aviation Authority and other governmental agencies and qualified engineers to advise and assist in the program. The Defense Supplies Corporation agrees to furnish such specialized personnel as is not readily available in Colombia.”

The Department feels, and Defense Supplies agrees, that, now that this issue has been raised, it is very important to avoid giving the Colombian Government the impression that we would be opposed, as a matter of principle, to Colombian personnel however well qualified. It would seem equally important to avoid language which might commit Defense Supplies, in any particular case, to accept available Colombian personnel as to whose qualifications there might be a reasonable doubt.

With regard to number 2, it is assumed that there are ample public lands that could be used or made available by Colombia for this purpose. It would also seem that the proposed provision might open the door to abuse and tend to establish a dangerous precedent.

Assuming that the new Rubber Agreement with Colombia will expire by its terms December 31, 1946 and that it will not be renewed, the fourth provision would perhaps not be objectionable provided an escape clause for Defense Supplies, along the lines of the present [Page 30] 12–(b), is retained. Furthermore, when the term provisions in the Agreement with Peru are finally settled,60 it might be possible to consider certain modifications of paragraph 12 in the Colombian Agreement. At the present time, however, number 4 in your telegram would not be acceptable.

Please keep the Department advised of further developments in these negotiations.

  1. See bracketed note on the agreement between the United States and Peru for an air service adjunct to the wild rubber development project, p. 712.