The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Braden)
Sir: Reference is made to the Department’s Airgram no. A–1596, June 22, 1943, 5:25 p.m.63 concerning the applicability of Article III of Law No. 7 of April 5, 1943, to payments remaining to be made by Defense Supplies Corporation on 1942 crop molasses.
The Department transmits copies of communications dated July 14r and 19, 1943 from Defense Supplies Corporation,64 requesting assistance in obtaining from the Cuban Government exemption from the taxes of 15/100 of one per cent and of 2 per cent on the exportation of funds from Cuba. A copy of a letter of July 17 from Metals Reserve Company65 referring to the application of the same Cuban taxes to its activities is also enclosed.
The Department considers that the requests of Defense Supplies Corporation and of Metals Reserve Company merit favorable consideration. Accordingly, you are requested to present the requests opportunely to the appropriate Cuban officials. The Department will appreciate receiving reports of developments.
Very truly yours,
- Not printed; it authorized the Embassy to call to Cuba’s attention the concern of the Defense Supplies Corporation regarding Cuban interference through taxation with the payment of about $1,200,000 remaining to be made on 1942 crop molasses through, banks in Habana (837.61351/4047a).↩
- Neither printed.↩
- Not printed.↩