837.51 Cooperation Program/192: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Braden)

44. Reference your 12, January 7, noon.

Central Highway. As explained to Ambassador Concheso on January 6, efforts are being made to locate suitable new and used asphalt spreading machinery, which Cuban representatives must be prepared to inspect immediately (Concheso is to have Snare’s82 engineer, Seeley, available).
Steel requirements, in accordance with previous understandings, will be supplied from regular Cuban allocation.
The Department has informally indicated to the Cuban Commission that adequate asphalt supplies are likely to be made available.
Although Export-Import Bank formally approved on January 6 projects for Central Highway, Santiago and Guantánamo aqueducts, the approval did not, of course, cover priorities. You are referred to the Under Secretary’s strictly confidential telegram to you of January 9.83
No definite project regarding supplementary roads was presented or discussed although it is presumed that construction would follow repair of Central highway, using airfield construction equipment. The equipment would not be made available under Lend-Lease, but the precise manner of transfer is still uncertain.
Señor López Castro84 has been informed that if his Government were to present a formal application, there would be a strong possibility of favorable consideration in Washington.
Your assumption is correct. Rio Buey is to be investigated first.
  1. Frederick Snare Corporation, an engineering company.
  2. Telegram No. 41 not printed; in this telegram the Ambassador was advised by Under Secretary of State Welles not to negotiate on the aqueduct proposals until February.
  3. Amadeo López Castro, President of Cuba’s Comisión de Fomento Nacional.