
The Ambassador in Cuba (Braden) to the Secretary of State

No. 4686

Sir: Referring to previous correspondence concerning Central Tinguaro, especially my despatch No. 4582 of September 24, 194318 transmitting a copy of my note to the Foreign Office19 in the premises, I have the honor to enclose copy and translation of the reply,18 which I have received from the Minister of State.

This reply is merely an acknowledgment stating that the “matter is the subject of the preferential attention of the pertinent authorities…”20 [Page 209] and that “it will be a pleasure” to inform me in due course of their decision.

Respectfully yours,

Spruille Braden
  1. Not printed.
  2. Note No. 1029, September 23, p. 205.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Omission indicated in the original despatch.