
The American Ambassador in Cuba (Braden) to the Cuban Minister of State (Santovenia)12

No. 1029

Excellency: I have the honor to refer to the case of the Tinguaro Central belonging to the Cuban-American Sugar Company, an American concern, and to my several conversations during the past many months with the Prime Minister regarding this matter. It had been my hope that a satisfactory solution to the problem might have been reached, as a result of ample time having been afforded for consideration of the matter when the company, early this year, agreed to pay the mill labor an amount equivalent to what would have been received by the workers had the mill not been put out of operation by fire.

In view of my Government’s interest in any developments connected with this situation, I should appreciate receiving any information which Your Excellency can give me. Presently it would be helpful if I might have the text of the Presidential Decree which, according to the press, provides for the appointment of an interventor to see that reconstruction is made and normal operation of the mill resumed either by the company directly or, failing this, at its own expense.

My Government earnestly hopes that an amicable settlement of this entire matter may be reached. However, in the event that the Cuban Government should feel obliged, in effect, to expropriate in whole or part the company’s mill or other property then, as in all such cases, the attitude of my Government would be that, while recognizing the right of expropriation, prompt, adequate and effective compensation for its citizens affected by that right would be expected.

I avail myself [etc.]

Spruille Braden
  1. Copy transmitted to the Department by the Ambassador in his despatch No. 4582, September 24; received September 28.