740.00112a European War, 1939/29263: Telegram
The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:50 p.m.]
878. Reference Department’s telegram 570, April 20, 6 p.m.75 Embassy believes information contained despatch 7388, November 1876 sufficient to approach Argentine Ambassador. Situation today approximately same. However, Embassy is attempting to obtain additional information.
El Pampero, Deutsche La Plata Zeitung, Editorial Argentina, II Mattino D’ltalia as well as pro-totalitarian El Momento Argentino and Cabildo are all receiving newsprint from Ministry of Agriculture. This Ministry receives, according best information available, approximately 300 tons locally manufactured newsprint, paying from 65 to 70 centavos per kilo which is below free market price for locally manufactured newsprint, thus in addition to supplying Government grants slight subsidy.
Before making presentation to Argentine Ambassador the Department will undoubtedly take into account the fact that this case is one of the most telling points in report contemplated under section 5(a) of policy memorandum of March 4.77 That report should be ready for presentation by June 1.
- Not printed; this telegram requested that reply be expedited to Department’s telegram No. 437 of March 29, 1943, 3 p.m., which requested information on the distribution to pro-Axis papers of newsprint made from Swedish pulp (740.00112A European War 1939/21092).↩
- Not printed; this despatch reported that the Argentine Minister of Agriculture bought newsprint locally and distributed it to pro-Axis papers (740.00112A European War 1939/21092).↩
- Post, p. 471.↩