841.24/2120: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul at Algiers (Wiley)56
1946. Please give the following message from the President to Secretary Morgenthau:57
“Crowley is prepared to initiate discussions with the British looking toward adoption of recommendations in your draft letter58 for reduction of British balances through reduction of civilian goods furnished through lend-lease. In view of the memorandum on British financial position dated September 14, 1943, sent to you by Sir Kingsley Wood I think it would be desirable, if it is convenient, for you to discuss with Sir John Anderson the considerations raised in that memorandum. The matter involved is of importance to both governments. Both governments will wish to consider this matter frankly, giving full consideration to each other’s views and striving to reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion. I am confident that you and Sir John Anderson will be able to make substantial progress to this end, and that your report will enable us to reach a sound decision. Pending word from you I have asked Mr. Crowley to defer his proposed action.”