United Kingdom:
- Visit of British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden in Washington, March
12–30, 1943
(Documents 1–30)
- Problems relating to the Mutual Aid Program; acquisition of raw
materials as reciprocal aid from the United Kingdom, Southern Rhodesia,
and British Colonies; concern of the United States over British gold and
dollar balances
(Documents 31–61)
- Discontinuance of discussions between the United States and the United
Kingdom regarding feasibility of a more extensive trade agreement and
related discussions with British Dominions
(Documents 62–63)
- Objections by the British Government to proposed establishment by the
United States of a consulate at Bahrein (Documents 64–71)
- Agreement between the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom regarding industrial diamonds, signed at London, March 26, 1943
- Arrangement between the United States and the United Kingdom approving Memorandum of Understanding signed January 6, 1943, regarding apportioning of African asbestos
- Agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom governing collaboration in atomic energy research and development