848A.24/236: Telegram
The Consul at Capetown (Denby) to the Secretary of State
Capetown, April
17, 1943—3 p.m.
[Received April 18—12:47 a.m.]
[Received April 18—12:47 a.m.]
409. From the Minister.
“Reference to my number 405 April 15, 5 p.m.30 Confirming his satisfaction with the Department’s communication, the Prime Minister has now given me an aide-mémoire enclosed in a letter31 over his own signature as follows:
- ‘1. The Prime Minister thanks the American Minister for the aide-mémoire32 handed to him on April 15, 1943, following upon their conversation on that day.
- 2. Field Marshal Smuts appreciates the terms of the further communication from the American Government regarding supplies for South Africa including the references to supplies for the gold mines. He accepts the position as stated therein.
- 3. This position having been accepted and the questions involved having thus been clarified, the Prime Minister assumes that a full understanding has now been arrived at on the matters which formed the subject of the earlier messages exchanged through the American Minister between the President and myself.
- 4. The Prime Minister would welcome an early setting up of the suggested joint council representative of the American, British and Union Governments, and would be pleased to know of any specific proposals of the American Government in that respect. The British Government which has already in principal approved of the plan for such a joint body, is being notified of the attitude of the Union Government and the position now reached.
- 5. Pending the introduction of the contemplated new procedure the Prime Minister presumes, and trusts it will be agreed, that the current procurement of supplies for South Africa will not be interrupted but will proceed in conformity with the broad sense of the general understanding between the respective Governments.’ (End of aide-mémoire)