853M.6363/48: Telegram
The Ambassador to the Belgian Government in Exile (Biddle) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 14—8:36 p.m.]
Belgian Series 21. For Stone, BEW. Your 17, July 9, 7 p.m. Belgian Minister of Colonies assures me orally that he is requesting Governor General at Leopoldville to put desired export control system for petroleum for Portuguese territory into force officially. It is understood that the system will involve the issuing of export licenses subject to visa by the American Consul covering each shipment [Page 594] that it shall apply to shipments of petroleum products to Angola, Portuguese Guinea and São Thome as well as to deliveries from Belgian Congo territory to Portuguese and Spanish vessels regardless of whether duty has been paid on such products or whether they are held in bond.
Repeated to Leopoldville.