853M.6363/53a: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Loanda, Angola (Linnell)
178. For your confidential information, a petroleum supply program has been set up for Portugal and its possessions for the second half of 1943 by the Department, OEW94 and the British. In a separate telegram top limits for imports and stock limits are designated for Angola,95 The program has not yet been submitted to Portuguese authorities so figures not final but recommend you use our data as operating basis for second half 1943. Stock limits are calculated on basis of one-third of 6 months imports for all products except lubricating oils which are permitted one-half of semester imports.
Products for Angola originate almost entirely in Caribbean area except lubricating oil and packaged goods which come from United States. Supply conditions respect petroleum products consumed in Angola are tight and will probably become more serious. Imperative you bring consumption in Angola down to top limits outlined. However, we will seriously consider any suggestions for higher import and stock limits if necessary to maintain operations of industries and railroads essential to Allied war effort.
When entire petroleum program for Portugal and its possessions is accepted by Portuguese, will inform you of final figures and conditions pertaining thereto. One of conditions to oil program requests permission to name Attaches, one of which to be allocated to Angola.