853M.6363/32: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador to the Belgian Government in Exile (Biddle), at London

Belgian Series 17. From Stone,93 BEW. Our 2475, April 17. Consul in Leopoldville advises that Belgian Congo Governor General has not as yet been advised by the Belgian Government of this export control system although such export control system was used by the Governor General for the release of the only shipment of petroleum products from the Belgian Congo to Portuguese territory since the local oil companies were asked by us to suspend such shipments. We are anxious to have this export control system put into force officially at once so that the local oil companies can be officially notified and relieved of the burden of this control to which they agreed only in the spirit of cooperation but which rightfully should be enforced by official government action. Please discuss with the Belgian Minister of Colonies with the object of having satisfactory instructions issued to the Belgian Congo Governor General and cable us and the American Consul, Leopoldville, what these instructions are.

This cable has been repeated to Consul, Leopoldville. [Stone.]

  1. William T. Stone, Assistant Director in charge of Economic Warfare Analysis, Board of Economic Warfare.